Complaint: nooit Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij

user-113331 on 06 July 2012 about NLE in category Energieleveranciers

New complaint
In treatment
Complaint resolved
Complaint closed

My complaint:

After weeks of email exchanges between incasso Flanderijn and van Eck and of course Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij, I did get the ‘eind nota’ from NLEngergie, and that too via email!! In fact, I have always demanded since November 2011 (from the first month that I noticed that NLEnergie was lying!) – as company build on cheating unsuspecting customers, its accounting obviously is just unbelievable, 2 whole pages to this and that, which adds of to nearly €400. Although this ‘eind nota’ makes calculations of until 22 January 2012 (thus 4 months) but there is NO indication of my payments (of monthly 78 Euro = 312 Euro) from October 2011 to January 2012. Who can imagine having to pay more than €800 for 4 months gas/electricy (and of course the hefty sum of incassco bureau ‘fee’)? People can judge how fair it is (while I was paying less than €60 per month for both gas and electricity with WoonEnergie/Centrica for my 34 sq. m flat, and now I pay €36 euro for 54 sq. m. flat with Electrabel!). But I firmly believe that NLEnergie is a pure ‘oplichter’ because it conducts business by way of deceiving, harassing, and, worst of all, it does not feel ashamed to collect money through the power of incasso agencies (as it does find it important to answer customers). Thus, NLEnergie must (and it will) be further exposed so that other people don’t become victims like me (and many others, as I have noticed from online discussions!)

Desired solution:

No, never....
...Today I just hear on a NL Radio station that Energy provider, GreenChoice, has been fined with millions of Euros for its fraudulent practices. Only time will tell how soon Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij will also face its yet another penalty for its malpractices! I hope it won't go that far!

Message from from

11 years ago - Complaint is picked up by NLE

Message from from

11 years ago - Complaint is solved by NLE

Message from NLE

11 years ago - test


Responded on 25 March 2015 at 07:50

Offered solution:

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

Enige tijd geleden heeft u een klacht ingediend over onze dienstverlening. Om onze service voortdurend te verbeteren, ontvangen wij graag feedback van onze klanten.

Wij hebben u per e-mail op de hoogte gebracht van ons standpunt. Helaas hebben wij u niet de gewenste oplossing kunnen bieden. Het spijt ons u niet anders te kunnen berichten.

Wij vertrouwen erop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.

Heeft u nog vragen?
De medewerkers van onze Klantenservice staan graag tot uw beschikking, bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 08:00 en 18:00 uur via 088-7307307 (lokaal tarief) en via

Met vriendelijke groet,

Team Klachtafhandeling
De Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij

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