Complaint: test klacht

ardannerd on 06 October 2015 about in category Klachtensite

New complaint
In treatment
Complaint resolved
Complaint closed

Message from from

8 years ago - We have sent an email to about your complaint

Message from from

8 years ago - Complaint is picked up by

Message from from

8 years ago - Complaint is solved by

Responded on 26 July 2016 at 12:08

Offered solution:

Solution is visible to complainer only

Message from KlachtenKompas

2 years ago - bullet 1 bullet 2

Message from KlachtenKompas

2 years ago - bullet 1 bullet 2  

Message from KlachtenKompas

2 years ago - listing 1 listing 2

Message from ACME

2 years ago -

  • bullet 1
  • bullet 2
  • bullet 3
  1. number 1
  2. number 2
  3. number 3

Message from ACME

2 years ago -

  • bull 1
  • bull 2

Message from ACME

2 years ago -

  1. num 1
  2. num 2
  3. num 3
  • bull 1
  • bull 2
  • bull 3

Message from KlachtenKompas

2 years ago - ok so this is a bullit and this is another one

Message from KlachtenKompas

2 years ago - this is number one this is number two

All complaints of