Complaint: Rip-off is the name for Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij

user-104738 on 02 June 2012 about NLE in category Energieleveranciers

New complaint
In treatment
Complaint resolved
Complaint closed

My complaint:

Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij (NEM, NLE), NLEnergie, or whatever names they are known by, this company has no sense of how to deal with customers. In fact it doesn’t give a damn about anyone, once it is able to lure people by way of dubious commercials, which are, sadly enough, also supported by the Dutch celebrities. NLEnergie staffs call you everyday until they can trap you, but after that the charges and bills start coming in like crazy, that too already from the first month.
In my case, I was paying just under 60 Euro per month for both gas and electricity for two years (with WoonEnergie/Centrica). As I was free to change my energy provider with just a month’s notice, I stupidly fell prey to this dodgy NLEnergie. They promised that they would be the cheapest let alone cheaper than my previous provider, but when I saw the first month’s bill it was already 78 Euro for my 34 sq. meters flat (where most of the time there is no one home to use excessive gas/electricity). So, I naturally became furious, and I told them it is pure cheating, and I don’t want to honour the contract. First, they just don’t answer at all, but when I sent several letters and emails, they had absolutely no sense of customer care. What was bizarre enough was that they even said my previous energy provider charging 60 euro a month couldn’t be true, while I had sent them the actual bill. So ridiculous they are, the NLEnergie staffs!
In January 2012, I was moving to another bigger flat, and I told them that the supply has to stop for good, which they did from 20 January. I had paid all the months even when I was arguing with them for their cheating.
To my shock, I got ‘incasso’ (collection) letters from Flanderijn & van Eck, asking me to pay nearly 500 euro within 3 days (though the letter arrived 10 days after they had put the date on it). As I don’t even know what the charges are for, I demanded to know that details, but so far the only thing I have got is a copy of the email that I was sent to me as an explanation of their charges, which was purely bullsh**, and that’s it. In this letter of Flanderijn & van Eck, one line of text was added: If you fail to pay urgently, we will file a court case against you (AND I am desparetely wondering what I can do!!!!!!).
It seems businesses, especially the dodgy ones like NLEnergie in this country can play God (and of course the ‘incasso’ agencies like Flanderijn & van Eck are the actual Gods). There is no rights for an ordinary customer at all, I mean, as I noted, even basic rights to information can be denied. What can be more shocking than this? BUT I am wondering since so may people are complaining about this NLEngergie, is there no way to boycott this company completely. Is there no government agency or newspapers looking into such a anger spreading across Internet like wildfire?

Desired solution:

NLEngergie doesn\'t provide any solutions because, as I found all over internet forums, that it loves to loot customers by using the power of \'incasso\' bureau!

Message from from

11 years ago - Complaint is picked up by NLE

Message from from

11 years ago - Complaint is solved by NLE


Responded on 25 March 2015 at 07:50

Offered solution:

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

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Met vriendelijke groet,

Team Klachtafhandeling
De Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij

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